Greater Northside M. B. Church was founded in April of 1950 by the late Pastor A. B. Brown. He and two associates thought the Westside community needed churches that sought God and honored His commandments. Reverend Brown served as pastor for 51 years years in 3 different locations. The first locations was affectionately referred to as the “Big House” and is the current location of Shiloh Baptist Church. The second location was the home of Bro. and Sis. A. B. Wright and the third location was the home of Rev. and Sis. R. G. Bolden. When the building was first built it only consisted of a worship space, there was no running water or electricity. Later Mrs. Willie supplied the church with those amenities. In December of 2002 the Lord sent Rev. John M. Patrick Sr. to lead the sheep of Greater Northside. He preached his first sermon at Greater Northside March 2, 2003. Pastor Patrick served faithfully until the Lord reassigned him. In November of 2020 God blessed us with Pastor Edward S. Thomas. Pastor Thomas believes that we are not a perfect people, but a practicing people. He has been charged with leading the sheep of Greater Northside. Greater Northside’s theme is “One body, many members, working together, accomplishing much.” By the grace of God, Greater Northside has come a long way. The journey continues “Worshipping God, Equipping the Saints, Cultivating Christian Love and Fellowship to reach Jackson, to reach the world for Christ.”